Welcome to Buy / Sell League of Legends Accounts at gm2p.com.

EUNE 83 lvl CHAMPIONSHIP RIVEN,THRESH,SHYANS and more legacy skins!

Game: League of Legends

Platform: EU Nordic and East

Delivery Time: 2 Hours

Price: $40.00 (4000 Credits) / 1 Account(s)

Stock: 1 Account(s)

Offer Ends: Oct-16-2018 21:48:40 PM

Seller: Skhir offline ...

Unit: - + × 1 Account(s)

Total Price: $ 40.00 (4000 Credits)


Division: silver 4

Server: eune

Champions: 103

Icons: 111


Championship riven 

championship thresh

championship shyvana

Riot Kayle 

Grey warwick 

Nightmere Cho'Gath 

Victorious Graves

Gentleman Gnar

Highnoon yasuo 

Firefang Warwick 

Heartseeker orianna

Cryocore brand 

All-star akali

Infernal mordekaiser

Sewn Chaos Orianna 

Celestine Soraka

Officer Caitlyn

Gragas, ESQ

Tpa ezreal

Tango evelynn

Debonair Jayce

Mafia jinx 

Riot girl tristana 

Death Blossom elise

Arclight Vayne

Debonair Galio


Barbarian sion

Pulsfire riven

Death sworn zed

Slayer jinx 

El rayo volibear

Harbinger kassadin

El tigre braum

God staff Jax

Project: fiora

Night hunter rengar

Constable trundle

Count vladimir

Noxus poppy

Sultan gangplank

Surprise party feedlesticks 

Feedback Feedback From Buyer Time


Step One: Create an account and verify email.

Step Two: Buy GM2P site currency - Credits, and choose the product you want to buy and pay for it.

Step Three: Go to User Center->My Order, contact the seller to complete your order, and if the seller isn't online, please be patient, the seller will reply you soon.

Step Four: Once the seller completed your order, please click the option "Order Completed" and give the seller a review.

Notice: If you meet any problems with the order, you can contact the seller, if the seller didn't contact you over 24 Hours, you can open a dispute or ask for a refund.

Once you made the order, the seller will contact you by chat, and you can contact him by own.
Our system will protect the buyers, if the sellers didn't deliver the products, you will be refunded.
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