Welcome to Buy / Sell League of Legends Accounts at gm2p.com.

Loved account for years (gold 5)

Game: League of Legends

Platform: EU West

Delivery Time: 0 Mins

Price: $112.36 (11236 Credits) / 1 Account(s)

Stock: 1 Account(s)

Offer Ends: Oct-24-2018 15:29:22 PM

Seller: Shop at Bones offline ...

Unit: - + × 1 Account(s)

Total Price: $ 112.36 (11236 Credits)

Hello everyone,

After a lot of year playing, i decided to sell my account, because, I don't play anymore. Moved from MOBA's to first person shooters.

Server: EUW.
Main role used to be: support.
Current rank: Gold 5 58LP.
Last season: Plat 4.
Skins (60): Unchained alistar, Infernal alistar, emumu, surprise party amumu, Red riding annie, Sherwood forest ashe, Bard blue chroma, Definitely not blitzcrank, Vandal brand, Dragon slayer braum(plus 2 chromas), jurassic cho'gath, Pumpkinhead fiddle, Dreadknigth garen, oktoberfest gragas, hired gun graves, victorious graves, nightblade irelia, tempest janna, frost queen janna, fnatic janna, traditional karma, Riot kayle, Death blossom kha'zix, poolparty leona, Dragon trainer lulu, Djin malza, Festive and victorious maokai, road warrior MF, pentakill morde, victorious morgana, abyssal nautilus, challanger nidalee, frozen terror nocturne, sewn chaos orianna, woad scout quinn, mad hatter shaco, TPA and frozen shen, augmented singed, barbarian sion, warrior princess and victorious sivir, divine soraka, northern front swain, omega squad teemo, blood moon thresh, riot girl tristana, tango twisted fate, medieval twitch, blight crystal varus, officer and neon strike vi, Creator Viktor, grey and firefang warwick, haunted zyra. 

10 champions unowned: Kayn, Cassiopeia, Riven, Kai'sa, Camille, Jinx, Kog'maw, Ornn, Vayne, Ziggs.

Hextech crafting includes: 3 SGemstones. Shards: battlecast alpha skarner, dragon trainer tristana, frostblade irelia, grim reaper karthus, iron inquisitor kayle, pool party graves, project: ekko, riot blitz, warring kingdom azir.

Price: i think ~100 euros. But it's negotiable.
If need more info, you can contact me via email: viktoras.cernikovas@gmail.com
Discord: Bonehead#4883

Have a great day!

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