Welcome to Buy / Sell Maplestory M Mesos at gm2p.com.

Maplestory M Mesos NA - Scania

Game: Maplestory M

Platform: NA - Scania

Delivery Time: 2 Hours

Price: $3.91 (391 Credits) / 100 M

Stock: Huge

Offer Ends: Oct-16-2019 16:11:16 PM

Seller: MapleStory M店铺 offline ...

Unit: - + × 100 M Mesos

Total Price: $ 3.91 (391 Credits)

欢迎在我们的商店购买maplestory m mesos!

我们为所有服务器(NA,EU和亚洲)销售maplestory m mesos,一旦您下订单,我会尽快与您联系。

交货方式是通过Trade Station,我会告诉你如何在Trade Station上列出物品并向我提供你的物品的详细信息,然后我会买它,你会立即得到mesos。

1.注册价格应随机列在最后3位数。我们会将您的屏幕截图作为标准。因此,请确保您上传的图片正确无误。2.在Trade Station中列出完成项目后,请通过imgur截取列出的项目,然后正确提供图像链接。3.如果您的订单金额超过500M,请将您的设备拆分为列表,您可以列出两个或更多设备。最后三位数的注册价格必须是随机的。4.因为列表数字与最终显示的数字不同,后者由游戏本身自动更改。所以买家需要在发布后自行搜索Trade Station中的商品。找到列出的项目后,请点击它并制作截图。


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Step Two: Buy GM2P site currency - Credits, and choose the product you want to buy and pay for it.

Step Three: Go to User Center->My Order, contact the seller to complete your order, and if the seller isn't online, please be patient, the seller will reply you soon.

Step Four: Once the seller completed your order, please click the option "Order Completed" and give the seller a review.

Notice: If you meet any problems with the order, you can contact the seller, if the seller didn't contact you over 24 Hours, you can open a dispute or ask for a refund.

Once you made the order, the seller will contact you by chat, and you can contact him by own.
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